domingo, 12 de dezembro de 2010

De rosas e de espinhos

a página 91, da minha edição de  'Songs of Innocence and of Experience - Showing the two contrary states of the human being' publicada por William Blake, 1789. A minha é a edição da Assírio e Alvim, de 2009, com tradução de Jorge Vaz de Carvalho

From  'Songs of Innocence and of Experience - Showing the two contrary states of the human being'
William Blake, 1789

 A flower was offered to me,
Such a flower as May never bore;
But I said "I've a pretty rose tree,"
And I passed the sweet flower o'er.

Then I went to my pretty rose tree,
To tend her by day and by night;
But my rose turned away with jealousy,
And her thorns were my only delight.

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